Monday, December 9, 2013

Columbians frustrated by school funding, taxes

We need an outcry. Maybe one could start here.


  1. we can not afford these taxes,,,,have you looked around town lately? there are hundreds of homes for sale....its time to combine schools...this town is new tax money there....find a way to TAX EACH AND EVERY RENTER/TENANT EXCEPT ELDERLY...all these renters come into this town, they are on welfare, food stamps, BUT buy EVERY new iphone out there, get their nails done constantly, drive nicer vehciles than most of us do. many even have section 8 clearance which means they pay next to nothing for everything....this BOro has GOT to figure out a way to tax ALL these individual renters...their kids go to our schools, many even qualify for the free lunches..and its ALL a FREE RIDE...the system is broke and needs fixed immediately....BUT the time has come for all these people to PAY THEIR OWN WAY....NO MORE HANDOUTS.....YOU SEND YOUR KIDS TO OUR SCHOOLS YOU PAY FOR IT. ....figure it out. thelandlords pay taxes on their properties, BUT the renters and their families are the ones abusing it. oh and i almost forgot...IN ORDER TO COLLECT ANY and all FREE BENEFITS...YOU MUST PASS A DRUG TEST EVERY WEEK. different day and time will be left on your voicemail 4 hrs notice....and you get to take a qualified nurse in to make sure its yours!

  2. i agree that the system is broke and needs fixed. and i hear what you are saying about all therenters in this small town...they do NOT pay for their children to attend our schools, most don't take care of their rental unit..its so unfair to burden all the hardworking taxpaying homeowners with the additional cost of ALL these transients kids. its also wrong to tax the elderly who have paid their way ALL those years...once you are 62 or 65 you shouldn't have to pay to educate renters kids. hell maybe they would actually have money needed to pay for their medicines. this system is so broke. like the world. and it all started years ago when they banned God from our schools. and parents decided NOT to discipline their children and so now we have many horrible evil kids who are disrespectful and have so much mental baggage that they have no clue how to survive.

  3. Some things you said is right on the money! Like section 8's! Who in the HELL passed this in this town?? Look at who owns section 8's..... their names should be posted!! I said it before and I will say it again, section 8's KILLED this town and greedy people like owners of the water company and other businesses tax breaks for life!! Way to much corruption in this town and its getting worse!! these people know who they are and don't give a dam about others only themselves. Its going to get worse not better just look down the road where this town is going! 19 million dollars in the RED!! and counting!!

  4. amen. i agree. and what a kick in the head-no one cares...they just keep killing us...taxes, section 8's, this boro has got to stop with all the rental properties...they are killing us. the tenants (not all, but way too many) do NOTHING for this town. they abuse the broken system and the government (our taxpayer money) takes care of them. in the meantime WE are losing our homes. WE can't afford to SUPPORT US and yet we have to support all these LAZY IGNORANT THINKS THE WORLD OWES THEM KINDA PEOPLE. sorry we're in huge shit....our politicians do NOT care. we pay hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars on them too.....

  5. According to today's edition of the Sunday News, our school superintendent makes $120,000 a year, plus perks - for managing three schools.

  6. yeah and theres at least 2 more of these high paying positions. columbia boro is so small...we can not afford this. there is no reason that we need 3 high paid personnel to do the job of 1. with of course an assistant at each of the other 2 buildings. save us taxpayers HALF A MILLION DOLLARS!!


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