Monday, October 7, 2013

Clinics here put brakes on parvo outbreak

A handful of sick dogs were discovered in Columbia.
Parvo is very contagious and attacks a dog's intestinal tract, according to Dr. Robert Bartlett of Columbia Animal Hospital.
The disease can cause mild illness in vaccinated dogs, but it can be fatal to dogs that haven't had the vaccine, he explained in August.
Parvo is spread through contact with bodily fluids or fecal matter. It can be particularly deadly for puppies, Bartlett said. It does not affect humans.


  1. Thanks for the warm and fuzzy picture here- he looks dangerous with or without the Parvo virus!!

  2. Am I the only person who sees the irony in the initial outbreak coming just days after the new dog park opened in Lancaster? Just tired of Columbia always being drug thru the mud. Irresponsible dog owners live everywhere, not just Columbia and Lancaster city. Speaking of irresponsible, why doesn't the dog park require owners to show vaccination records? In my opinion, knowing this makes anyone who takes their dog there somewhat irresponsible. I would never take my dog there.


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