Saturday, October 12, 2013

Abolish Columbus Day and Rename Our Town

Columbus Day will be observed this coming Monday, October 14, but was traditionally observed on today's date, October 12.

 Christopher Columbus has been hailed as the discoverer of the New World, but was in fact a ruthless, greedy entrepreneur who perpetrated genocide upon the indigenous peoples of North America.
A website called The Oatmeal, which can be found HERE, has laid out in simple terms some of Columbus's most horrific and despicable crimes.
Unfortunately, our hometown of Columbia was named for this mass murderer when Samuel Wright thought doing so would influence the US Congress to select it as the nation's capital.
Here are two excerpts from The Oatmeal:

Several groups have been working to have this holiday repealed and abolished, but considering our dysfunctional Congress's preoccupation with infighting and grandstanding, this goal seems elusive, at least for now.
In the meantime, perhaps our borough council would consider renaming the town.


  1. and this borough's council is not dysfunctional?

    1. Dysfunction is often a synonym for government at any level.

  2. Since Wrightsville is already taken, they could rename it Wrongsville.

  3. For more information please visit


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