Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Woman accused of stealing $11,000 from employer


  1. TV reports are saying the amount is larger than 11,000 now. Shameful. There are lots of folks here in town who are having financial difficulty or who have fallen on hard times. Doesn't give you a reason to steal.

  2. Wow!!! Unbelievable! Funny a family who was once so concerned of past council members ethics and made their concerns known, that this family now falls under scrutiny for something WAY worse!!!!!

  3. I agree with first post! Also why I say this Boro of ours MUST step up...STOP wasting taxpayer money on frivolous things we don't need. Like the River Park, more equipment, new police cars.....we can not afford to pay our bills and our losing our homes. When in hell will you people get it??? Our taxes are highest in state only next to the city. Council you need to wake up.

  4. Well, well, well what have we here. Susan Beury stealing from her employer, Doug’s Tree Service. Whom by the way seems to be the only tree company the Columbia Shade Tree Commission recommends. Oh, that’s right, Susan’s husband, Michael Beury Jr. is the chair of the shade tree commission. Wonder if he knew she was stealing? How could he NOT? He works for Timber Wolf Tree and Lawn Service, also owned by Doug Ressler of Doug’s Tree Service. Let’s not forget, Michael Beury Sr. is the Columbia Borough Council president. Since the Shade Tree is an arm of the borough, maybe ALL of the Beurys should be looked at under a microscope. Wonder if the $$$ was used to pay off the tax debt from the tax upset sale that was imposed on Beury Jr.'s home. Interesting...more to come.

  5. I was very poor for several years in spite of working full time in a professional role and it NEVER would have even crossed my mind to steal .

  6. in todays world there are hundres or thousands of us having trouble making ends meet...i too would not steal. i would have to prioratize-nomore cell phone, no going to get nails done, no going out to eat, etc.,etc.
    However I also do NOT think it's fair to drag Dougs through the coals.... HE did NOTHING wrong. He has an excellent business that he worked very hard for...thru all the blood sweat and tears. He is reasonable and he does great work. AND he's LOCAL.

  7. I agree, stop blaming Doug. You people are terrible. Susan Beury is the only one at fault here. I can't even imagine what would provoke somebody to help themselves to something that doesn't belong to them, over and over and over again. 16 times to be exact. Where is her conscience? I happened to find a tax upset sale list from last year that her and her husbands property was listed on. They owed back taxes of $9,122.15. She stole enough to pay for that AND some. WHAT NERVE!!!

  8. No one is dragging Doug's name through the coals. On the contrary, he is to be congratulated for having the guts for taking the action he did, unlike many past instances of similar thefts in this town (churches, fire companies) that got swept under the rug.

  9. Yes, I wondered where that came one is blaming Doug's Tree service.

  10. Just a major thought......... susan also collected funds for many sports associations in Columbia.....and didn't she work for the Nicholas's in York?? I do believe some heavy digging is needed in Columbia. Mike should respectfully step down and think of the 10,000 plus he was sworn in to protect the best interest of?/
    Signed, insider ghost!

  11. I have been thinking the last comment over, and I feel that I would have to agree that Council President Beury should step down as well. He had to have known the conflict of interest that existed by having both his son and daughter in law working for Doug Ressler while his son then funneled work from the Shade Tree Commission to Doug's Tree Service without ever even getting an estimate for the work first. Then again, the voters of this borough could take care of this situation themselves at the polls next month. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  12. I agree, Mike should step down as this is probably going to get uglier. Unless Doug is strong armed into sweeping this under the rug.

  13. sorry it has nothing to do with big Mike....and the shade tree commission has its own board.

  14. grown ass adults MUST take credit for their OWN actions......NO ONE ELSE...

  15. If Mr. Beury did know what his wife was doing then shame on him for sitting on council in front of the tax paying citizens of this boro. He must step down either way whether he was aware or not, it just looks bad. Not to mention this back tax story, that's almost worse yet considering the position he holds.


  17. So it's his daughter-in-law, his sons wife. That's so much better!

  18. Columbia needs to be represented by those families willing to pay taxes and not steal. If your family is corrupt get out of office. Uh, why would taxpayers want to hire thieves?

  19. Again. Grown ass adults MUST take responsibility for themselves. It has NOTHING to do with NO ONE or otherwise. That's like saying if YOUR kid shoots someone-YOU are responsible. Duh.

  20. to post 10/1/13 at 11:40 pm....i think that's quite unfair....we can NOT be responsible for grown adults. even when they do wrong. it has nothing to do with the rest of the family. period. maybe she should start by apologizing to her inlaws and her husband to the shade tree and both to Doug's.

  21. kudos. i agree. apologize and start immediately to make it right....jail and reimbursement. NO ONE but yourself to blame. shame on you.
    now people who need tree work done i would like to suggest you call Doug's and give him some work-he's local, hes fair and reasonable and does excellant work!!!!!!!!!

  22. Mike, just step down already. You have immediate members of your family who are corrupt and money has been stolen to save their house from a tax upset sale. Nobody is suggesting you did it, but this is yet another black eye for Columbia. How could your son have not known? Simple, he did.
    Just resign and bow out of the election. How can you face tax payers with this scandal going on in your own back yard?

  23. really??? awfully small minded aren't we?

  24. seriously? maybe you should spend that irratation on ALL council persons who do NOT say NO to all this FRIVOLOUS SPENDING that's WAY out of control.

  25. and while your at it, maybe you should ask why the codes dept STILL is a joke.

  26. Um....spending is very different than stealing from your employer. You may not like how they are spending our tax money but somebody voted for these idiots and gave them this power.
    Make a difference next month, vote! And don't vote for the one with corruption running in his family!!! Have a great day!


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