Friday, August 16, 2013

New leaders taking reins at Columbia schools - News -


  1. another BLATANT waste of taxpayer money.....this is probalby at least $$$$$$ ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS.....MAYBE MORE....YES FOR 3 POSITIONS THAT WE DON'T NEED. hell we can't afford to keep the schools open and the school board hires/replaces 3 top key personnel.....back in the day there was ONE PRINCIPAL FOR ALL 3 SCHOOLS (AND HE DID A HECK OF A JOB) AND AN ASSISTANT AT BOTH OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. go figure. this is something we can NOT afford. not needed.

  2. i agree. sadly NO ONE listens to the taxpayers...NOT the school board and certainly NOT the Borough Council. mark my words, this WILL be a ghost town within 5 years-if not are taxing us-the middle class hardworking majority of homeowners in town and we can't even take off when we're sick because we can't afford it...we are losing our homes everyday...I don't understand-WHAT DON'T YOU'S UNDERSTAND?????? FIX THE PROBLEMS......CREATE A NEW TAX FOR ALL RENTERS THAT HAVE CHILDREN......LIKE $500 A YEAR...and if you have 4 or more children (renters) you must pay $1,000 and it must be paid before first day of school...create incentives for people to buy rental properties and turn them back into single family homes......IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 4 kids MAKE IT $1,OOO. WHAT THE LANDLORDS PAY IS NOT ENOUGH-its the renters who are on welfare, get food stamps and have 4, 6 or more kids thats killing us. FIX it. go to your elected officials-state representatives, etc and git er done!


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