Thursday, August 15, 2013

Columbia to double check plans for river trail building - News -


  1. they should can this project like many others. we are poor. we do not need an almost $2 million dollar building. The ONLY thing we need are porta pots and you can rent them......our elected council needs to hit the streets and see how the real taxpayers in this town live. Barely by their teeth. (and don't tell us that grants cover the cost-because in MOST cases GRANTS MUST BE MATCHED....WE DO NOT HAVE AOTHER $1 MILLION TO GO IN THE HOLE. People wake up. We need some NO NO NO NO NO people on this Council. and you wonder why we are losing our homes? why we can not afford our taxes? really? seems simple enough for me.

  2. Not to be a prophet of doom but i see nothing but disaster here. These things have a way of ballooning out of control and then Columbia will be left holding the strings. How are we going to pay for this? I know they got grant monies for the start up but who or how will this building and the trail itself be mantained??? I do not have a good feeling about this even though it sounds like a great idea for the River Towns as a whole- what is the reality going to be i wonder???


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