Friday, June 14, 2013

Chiques Rock Outfitters Burglarized - Did Surveillance Camera Record the Perp?

Sometime over the past day or two, Chiques Rock Outfitters at Columbia River Park was burglarized.

 After the perpetrators were thwarted in their attempt to pry off the wooden siding, they gained entrance to the building by breaking a side window and cutting through a metal screen, and then stole several items.

Fortunately, a surveillance camera stands right next to the building and may have captured images of the burglars.

 Or not.
The camera and fixture are covered with spider webs, dead bugs, and other filth.


  1. If this incident was not recorded, then why spend our tax dollars on the purchase and installation of cameras? It seems like more goes on in river park than meets anyone's eye.

    1. Right. What good are the cameras if they're not being maintained - like the one pictured.

  2. that was part of the citizens concerns way back couple yrs ago at council mtgs when norm made sure he got em and at a discount of only HALF A MILLION....some residents stated they do NOT want to be monitored, that they do not need to be watched..this is NOT Baltimore or Philadelphia, etc. that it is a BLATANT WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY.... anyone remember those mtgs??? who is going to maintian them and who is going to man them...and the legality of that. seems to me that the cameras are mostly no good at capturing any thing. til it was allsaid and done it was most likely closer to A MILLION BUCKS for cameras that do not perform. thanks norm
    again I ask - COUNCIL WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU????? we did not vote for you to be a yes councilperson....we voted for you to stand up for the MAJORITY OF TAXPAYERS WHO CAN NOT AFFORD THE FRIVALIES AND WASTE OF MONIES WE WORK SO HARD you forget we do NOT collect welfare, food stamps, etc. we go to work every day but we can't afford to live or own homes here because of the taxes and the blatant spending of boro and school district.

    1. It's getting harder to live here (financially).

  3. i have to say i am so very very disappointed in ALL our councilpersons. I really thought there were 1 or 2 that would stand up for the average joe homeowner and say no to the blatant waste of our money. especially on personal agendas. ie: river park. you ALL have lost touch with the majority of us taxpaying homeowners .......this also extends to THE SCHOOL BOARD - YOU TOO HAVE LOST TOUCH.....and the RESPECT OF MOST TAXPAYING HOMEOWNERS.

  4. Not to plead ignorance, but do the cameras really work? Who monitors the activities?

  5. my guess is NO....if they did you'd be reading about it....and who monitors them???? oh Norm forgot the leagalities of that when he spent HALF MILLION TO GET STARTED AND ENDED UP SPENDING ALMOST 1 MILLION $$$$$$$$$ TO MONITOR US.

  6. as i recall, the residents who attended mtgs asked - WHO is gonna re responsible for maintianing the cameras??????????

  7. I honestly did not know, I guess it is worth calling whomever is responsible for their installation and asking that question. If they are operational and not monitored until after a "crisis" or criminal event, than there is of minimal value.

  8. thank Norm the retired Boro Manager for that. He was the one responsible for ALL to do with the cameras. He is the one who wanted them .......


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