Monday, January 7, 2013

Columbia Lore - Stories I've been told but can't quite verify

One anecdote says that a former councilman's brand new dentures reside within this brick wall.  

Another story says that a Columbia resident, tired of the drug dealing in Columbia Park, beat up a dealer with an aluminum baseball bat several years ago.  The drug dealer never came back.

According to another anecdote, there are bullet holes in the north and south faces of the town clock, resulting from someone shooting from an apartment across the street.

Here's the north face, and there do appear to be two holes, one next to the 6 and the other near the 12.

And here are a couple of close-ups:

But here's the south face, with no discernible "exit wounds."


  1. Interesting...but I haven't heard of any of them !!!

    1. I heard these from a reliable source, someone "on the inside."

  2. I haven't heard them either, but by the looks of that hole in the clock I'm thinking there may be some truth here.

  3. How long has the clock been there?

  4. Not everyone on the "inside" is reliable....

    1. True, but some are. There are more details to the stories I've posted, but I didn't publish them - to protect the innocent . . . and the guilty.

  5. Interesting thou....


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