Sunday, November 4, 2012

Conservation Officer Drives WHICH WAY?

At River Park . . . 

 Last week (October 26), the window on the message board was cleaned with care.

Today, a new notice was added.

Then, a "quick" getaway was undertaken 
out through the in lane, 
 just like last time . . . 

and finally, a stop was made two lanes over,
with the arrow pointing . . . 
which way?


  1. So much for setting an example!

  2. he should get a ticket-after all, the cameras should have recorded this wrong doing.....

  3. who does this guy think he can do exactly as he wants and why does he think he doesn't have to answer to anyone??????
    norm, are your cameras working......they could use that against him in court and prosecute him. there are no special rules for him.

  4. i know....but it's the principal of the matter and he sets a bad example


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