Monday, August 13, 2012

From Boat Ramp to Bike Ramp

These two girls took advantage of a nearly empty River Park this afternoon to combine the sports of cycling and swimming. 


  1. Ain't youth grand!

  2. yeah IF this was on PRIVATE property and the Boro wasn't at chance of being sued for someone getting hurt or drowning. as stated before, the boro can NOT enforce any of the rules they make. why post no swimming signs and noone enforces them? why are people allowed to continually swim on the boat ramp ???????
    they don't even move when boaters are trying to unload and load their boats. there are pictures to prove it. ridiculous.

    1. As I said before, the situation is an accident waiting to happen. And those girls really shouldn't have been playing there, but I couldn't resist snapping the pic.


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