Saturday, August 11, 2012

End of the Search . . .

This morning, rescue crews retrieved the body of a swimmer who went missing recently.  For the full story go HERE.

 Many rescue vehicles waited at Columbia River Park.

 Mayor Lutz watched the operation.

 Chiques Challenge was delayed for several hours.

 This man watched from the York County side.

 After notifying rescue personnel, several kayakers left the scene where they had found the body.

 Kayakers then paddled down river to River Park.

 Another kayaker who had been at the scene.

 Friends and classmates of the swimmer watched from the Veterans' Memorial Bridge.

Their mission completed, rescue personnel returned to River Park.


  1. Respectfully covered Cole, thank you.

  2. A picture is worth a thousand words...referring to the one you took that made the hard copy of the Sunday News. No doubt those young people are in deep thought over this tragic loss.


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