Further progress at 3rd & Locust

 What's that Amish boy looking at?
What's he doing?

 Well, he . . .
Hold on a minute until this truck passes.

 Uh, this could take a while.
What happened to that bypass that was supposed to solve this problem?

 Ah, there it is.
Workers at 3rd & Locust are removing an I-beam from the side of the building as part of a renovation project that was described HERE.

 The forklift operator is lowering the beam to the sidewalk.

 The two large panels on the side of the building will be removed, and full-length windows will be installed.

A few more instructions, and that's it for today.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

About Town

 Recent pics from around Columbia . . . 

Red tail on Heritage Drive

Heritage Drive looking wider and clearer 

This box is alleged to have caused injury this week.

It's located on the 200 block of Locust, near Hinkle's.

A headless troll - like many on the internet

Rickety sign on Bank Avenue.
Note the spray-painted "S" before Columbia.
Haters can't even get their insults straight.

Whackin' weeds along Front Street

Mafly-covered lamp at River Park


Killdeer on the rail

The sumac has been removed. The mailbox is now visible.

Butts at the clock plaza at 5th & Chestnut

Where's the other piece? That's "od."

Tiger swallowtail

Have a seat - just watch out for that nail.
(South 4th)

This bass drum lost its head and was put out with the trash.

Gas service on the sidewalk, at the edge of a porch.
What could possibly go wrong?

Someone forgot the drop cloth.

Super fan on South 4th

Nittany lion on South 4th

Grassy median in the alley.
Does someone mow this?

Sign on the ground

Inexpensive driver's side window

Bo Bo's Tomatoes
(200 block of Union)

Second floor going up at the storage units on Front Street?

Could be . . .

Security camera, out of service

Stars and STRIPS!

Sludge island at River Park


(134 North 3rd)

Rollin' with the baby

The elusive hummingbird moth

Top of the globe

Morning glory in the morning

A new kind of flag?

Another view of the garage on the 600 block of Avenue H that may be turned into storage units.
The zoning hearing for this project has been postponed until September.

Rolling out the sign

The trashman is going to be busy.

Reaching for lunch.

The tasty bugs must be under the railing . . .

. . . and along the side.

Up, up, and away


Columbia's trolley was back in action today (Sunday).

Yellow belly

Hangin' with the big boys

Join the Amvets.

Here's the summer schedule.

Vehicles without trailers will be ticketed if they're in the wrong spaces.

Baby on board

Boss Lady


Like the sign says

The river was high earlier this week due to heavy rains.

Watch out for the daddy longlegs!